We are 2 days past or due date (May 12th). Our doctor said everything is looking good. We are going to wait over the weekend and see if the baby will decide to come. We are so excited to meet our baby and to see if it is a boy or girl!

Since our house is 826 square feet we have to be really functional with our space. We turned our hall closet into the baby's closet. I painted it and Shane put in more shelves and more hanging space.

This is my beloved Bugaboo Stroller. I was so excited to get it. I can't wait to push the baby around in it. I also love my Petunia Picklebottom bag. I bought it a few months ago. I didn't know if I should pick pink/brown because what if it's a boy but then I figured the bag was more for me. Shane has a black diaper bag that he packed awhile ago now.

My sweet friend Andrea threw me a shower along with Kellie and Ann. She is so kind because she just had a baby about one month before the shower. Here is a picture of my mom and me.

Shane and I took a "babymoon" to Victoria. It was a lot of fun and so relaxing. Here we are on the ferry.

Here is a picture of Andrea with her new baby Hudson and my friend Ann.